
Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. For All Your Tooth, Shelter And Fraudulent President Needs

Orly Taitz, the busy, Russian-born, California real estate agent-attorney-dentist who’s also leading the “Birther” movement in its feverish charge against the illegitimate presidency of America’s first non-American president, migrant Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama, has taken her quest for truth and sanity to the GOP holyland, the Internets!

Taitz’ tireless efforts to expose Barack Obama as the U.S. citizen he is not and the secret Muslim terrorist that he is has finally paid off. She even has the high-profile Facebook “friends” to prove it! Friends like Republican National Committee Chairman of Hip Hop Michael Steele, House Republican Whip Eric Cantor and GOP Representatives no one’s ever heard of, Mary Bono Mack and Cynthia Lummis. Wooohooo!

“I am in total disbelief and greatly honored,” Taitz blogged after Cantor accepted her as one of his illustrious Facebook friends. OMG LOL!

“To me it means that the leadership of the Republican party understands the importance of the issues and legal cases I brought forward. I hope more congressmen and senators join and either become additional plaintiffs or bring to the House and Senate judicial committee hearings the issues of Obama’s illegitimacy to presidency as well as suspected illegal activities by Obama and his supporters.”

Despite pleas from her powerful new friends not to make too much of the “friendships” because they “mean nothing,” Orly Taitz will not be swayed. She knows their acceptance of her on Facebook means they too can’t rest until that fraud Barack Hussein Obama is removed from office and sent back to Africa where he belongs.

“It is a very important issue, one that politicians should have taken up a long time ago.”

Too bad it took eight months for a sane, enlightened patriot like Orly Taitz to finally scare these slothful legislators into action. But thanks to dedicated, thrice-employed birthers like her, lawmakers everywhere “should be prepared to resign or be removed if they do not have the guts to stand for the Constitution and this country.”

Or the guts to trust the Jewish (?) version of Tammy Faye Baker on the validity of anything other than how to use the settlement damages from your botched root canal to buy the house of your dreams!

Thanks Orly, You’re The Best!

5 comments to Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. For All Your Tooth, Shelter And Fraudulent President Needs

  • Anonymous says:

    I have a vague memory from the olden days of working in law offices — that the immigrant dentist/realtor/lawyer Taitz

    ….is possibly at risk of losing her naturalized citizenship rights for the language she openly uses against the (or any) President of the US.

    It takes one or two phone calls to ask the rules/protocols for naturalized citizens (or maybe info is available online) file a complaint at the Dept of Immigration against any person who is breaching their oath taken.

    An Israeli student who came here for law school, became an atty did lose his license to practice law AND the victim of his violent attack also notified Immigration and he was inevitably deported for breaching his oath to the nation at the time he was awarded citizenship.

  • spriteqn says:

    Taitz, who one can assume didn't acquire her Russian accent here in the US is most probably a naturalized citizen who can be deported for the very public archived acts of insurrection against a sitting President of the US.

    the laws are:
    § 1481. Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized citizen; voluntary action; burden of proof; presumptions

    § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection

    "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

    A phone call to the Dept of Immigration can have her investigated.
    They generally show no mercy for those who are "working against" the US government.

  • MM says:

    Deport her? That'd be a dumb move.

  • Johnny-O says:

    According to MSNBC, Taitz is full of shit – the so called 'Kenyan birth certificate' is a forgery by virtue of the fact that it represents Obama's birth in the city of Mombassa, Kenya in Aug of 1961 – the trouble is, there WAS NO city of Mombassa, Kenya in 1961!

    It's true. The city of Mombassa, in 1961, was part of the province of Zanzibar, Tanganyka (now Tanzania) in 1961! The city became part of Kenya only three years later, when Zanzibar was ceded to Kenya from then Tanganyka (Tanzania), so the 'Kenyan birth certificate' could not be genuine, since it says on it very clearly that the city is Mombassa, Kenya, even though at that time it was Mombassa in the province of Zanzibar, Tanganyka. Since it doesn't say that, it can't be authentic, simple as that. It has to be a fake, and in fact it is dated in 1963, almost a year before the city became part of Keyna in the first place.

    In addition to that, the 'Kenyan birth certificate' has been found to be an online copy of a real birth certificate from, of all places, Australia – AUSTRALIA! So, I guess that means Obama is really an Aussie, which is okay with me!


  • Anonymous says:

    According to MSNBC, Taitz is full of shit – the so called 'Kenyan birth certificate' is a forgery by virtue of the fact that it represents Obama's birth in the city of Mombassa, Kenya in Aug of 1961 – the trouble is, there WAS NO city of Mombassa, Kenya in 1961!

    It's true. The city of Mombassa, in 1961, was part of the province of Zanzibar, Tanganyka (now Tanzania) in 1961! The city became part of Kenya only three years later, when Zanzibar was ceded to Kenya from then Tanganyka (Tanzania), so the 'Kenyan birth certificate' could not be genuine, since it says on it very clearly that the city is Mombassa, Kenya, even though at that time it was Mombassa in the province of Zanzibar, Tanganyka. Since it doesn't say that, it can't be authentic, simple as that. It has to be a fake, and in fact it is dated in 1963, almost a year before the city became part of Keyna in the first place.

    In addition to that, the 'Kenyan birth certificate' has been found to be an online copy of a real birth certificate from, of all places, Australia – AUSTRALIA! So, I guess that means Obama is really an Aussie, which is okay with me!


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