
President Obama Offers To Guide Gov. David Paterson Out The Door

Ummm, this is gonna be awkward. No one likes being the bearer of bad news–especially when it involves telling a black, legally-blind Democratic friend to kindly withdraw from New York’s governor’s race on the basis of being less popular than swine flu and Eliot Spitzer combined. Quite a feat!

It is highly unusual for a sitting president to request a member of his own party (and own race!) step aside, but then again it is also highly unusual to replace one prostitute-scandalized governor with another even less competent version of the first, complete with some hot sexual indiscretions of his own. Drug confessions too!

“Is there concern about the situation in New York? Absolutely,” an Obama official told the New York Times. “Has that concern been conveyed to the governor? Yes.”

Does said governor give a sh*t what a racist like President Obama wants? Ha ha, not even a little bit.

“The message the White House wanted to send — that it wants Paterson to step aside — was delivered,” said one Democratic operative. “He is resistant.”

“I’ve said time and time again I am going to run for governor next year,” Paterson explained. “My plans have not changed.”

Apparently Gov. David Paterson’s blindness is not limited to vision alone, but even worse, also to the fact that for the Democrats, he’s pretty much equivalent to political cancer.

And last I checked (unlike a certain commander-in-chief), cancer doesn’t care what color your skin is. It’s more of an-equal opportunity poison. Very PC.

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