
Supreme Court Gives ObamaCare Life While Wingnuts Mourn America's Death & Threaten To Bring Their Idiocy To Canada

America? Are you still there? Or have your majestic, blue bald eagle tears turned COMMIE RED, and your beautiful, once gold-paved streets turned into the bleak, dusty ruble-lined hellscape of SOVIET RUSSIA, now that the Supreme Court has done the unthinkable and upheld Obama’s communist socialist maoist Kenyan anti-colonial health care plan to bring America […]

Justice Is Blind...If Only Someone Invented A Language Of Dots To Overcome This Affliction

Ah yes, the mighty Supreme Court, the ultimate judicial body on all issues, including final interpretive authority on laws relating to technology across this great land. Hooray!

So while these nine justices–the brightest legal minds in the country–may be well versed when it comes to matters of Stare Decisis, ask ’em about Sega Genesis, and all […]