
The Gays Are Coming! The Gays Are Coming! Meaning Rightwing Nutjobs Are CPACking Their Bags & Heading For The Homo-Free Haven Better Known As Denial

America’s favoritest wingnut conference “CPAC” has shined the bright spotlight of hate on many a rising rightwing star, such as the inimitable Sarah Palin/Palin Family Inc.™, adorable giraffe necked alien Ann Coulter, off-the-hook Republican National Chairman of hip hop Michael “Straight Out Da Streets” Steele, and of course, every other Republican wingnut with dreams of […]

Breaking News: Ann Coulter Fails To Realize Wingnut HomoCons Have Feelings Too!

Say you’re a confused gay or lesbian patriot who hates taxes almost as much as terrible, no-good moral fabric-destroying minorities such as your own deviant homosexual self.

Now pretend, there’s actually a whole group of fellow self-loathing wingnut queers (let’s call them GOProud, shall we?) who just like you and Patty Hearst, can’t help but align […]

Somewhere Over The Rainbow, There's A Skinny Blond Alien Woman Who Hates You, But Will Gladly Take Your Gay Money Anyway!

Are you a self-hating fag or dyke who enjoys getting heckled, harassed, mistreated, discriminated and/or all around abused by the wonderful homophobic (closeted?), fear-mongering, hate-spewing, queer-bashing nutjobs on the right?

If so, then boy do we have the the event for you!

For the bargain price of one pair of Gucci shoes, (or if you’re more of […]