
President Obama Agrees To Reduce Smog Regulations Because Clean Air Is Socialist (And Also Because Republicans Told Him So!)

So the inane, demented, “Are We Congressman or Kindergarteners” playground scuffle time slot slug fest between the White House and John Boehner’s office is now officially over, with Barack Obama giving up even faster than usual in some lame misguided attempt to placate his Grand Old enemies, who’d like nothing more than to ship him […]

You Know What They Say About GOP Candidates Who Use Big Fonts To Fake A Jobs Plan...

Let’s say you’re a Republican candidate somewhere in America, like say, maybe Wisconsin, for instance, and  unemployment is rampant because the actual ‘middle class’ heart of our economy has died, forever, plus you stand for “small government” or whatever, so you can’t actually propose anything, but you still need to talk about jobs because in […]