
How Do You Know You're In Alaska? The Writing's On The Wall!

Ah, Alaska, where the snow comes whipping down the plain and year-round, sub-zero winter causes pain!

The majestic land of scantily populated outcasts, grizzled mainland failures, migrating moose, and money-grubbing half-term governors of God ‘n guns, whose idea of publicly funded art isn’t a sidewalk mural or main street sculpture, but misspelled, grammatically incorrect chickenscratch scrawled […]

Meet Harley D. Brown, Idaho's Second Smartest Export After The Potato

Just when you thought the only thing Idaho was good for was shoving delicious golden potatoes and closeted gay sex monsters masquerading as Republican senators by the name of Larry Craig, down the throats of the American public, the lovely Spud State is at it again, this time in the form of fat anger […]

John McCain's So Maverick, He Doesn't Even Remember If He Is One!

Oh no-zees! Between the scorching desert heat and the toll that comes with selling your soul to the highest bidder (Cindy, Satan, what’s the difference?) while trying to fend off a horseback riding hell-raiser by the initials J.D. Hayworth, John McCain can hardly remember anything these days, let alone his actual media-given name, John “Maverick” […]