
The Most Nerve-Wracking Moment of George W. Bush’s Presidency Was Throwing A Baseball; Throwing Two Wars & An Economy In The Gutter Is Child's Play

How’s That For A Strike?

Human caricature and accidental cowboy president George W. Bush sure had a lot of “nerve-wracking” moments during his 8-year reign showering peace and prosperity smart bombs and death onto the land with his signature combination of utter recklessness and absolute idiocy.

And with the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, two endless, […]

Sarah Palin Is Confident She Can Beat Barack Obama; Good Thing Sarah Palin's Reality Only Exists On TV

OMG America, did you hear the awesome, exciting, Earth-shattering news?? Sarah Louise Palin, the Sarah Louise Palin of the Snowy North, is “seriously considering” running for President of the world in 2012!?


Oh, and no need to wish her luck either because SarBear is simply positive she’ll have no trouble beating that no-good Barack NObama has-been […]