
Dan Fanelli Needs Your Help To Make Florida The Next Great, Colorless State No One Likes Anymore

Some right-wing dingbat by the name of Dan Fanelli dreamt up a brilliant plan to win the GOP nomination and unseat terrible, outspoken liberal “BUM” Rep. Alan Grayson in sunny Florida, land of citrus groves, gated retirement communities, and old people barely tall enough to see over the steering wheel, using nothing but people’s unsavory […]

The Doctor Is In...Sane? Denial? Hysterics?

Lunatic witch doctor Jack Cassell of Mount Dora, Florida (that’s right, Dora) is so convinced it’s only a matter of time before President Obama’s apocalyptic health care reform will be used by our sadistic Democratic government to deny medical care to fellow, God-fearing Republicans, that he has decided to turn the tables (in his mind) […]