
Can You Guess The Ingenious Mind Behind The Internet's Best Kept Secret, "Lou Sarah"?

It is no secret Sarah Louise Palin rules the Internets and all things related to it, including ghostwritten 140-character Tweets of indecipherable gibberish no one understands, except Twits, Twats, ‘n Tweens, like say, the original runner up vice-presidential loser/half-term governor and her brood of fellow fame grubbing, ridiculously-named grifters.

So it should come as no surprise […]

President Obama & Papa Bear Bill O'Reilly Discuss The Super Bowl, And Also How You Can Simultaneously Be A Pin Head & A Prick, Yet Still Manage To Stay Inflated

In the single most anticipated television event in the history of mankind (or one man’s decaying mind), two longtime, bitter rivals go head-to-head in an epic showdown to settle the score once and for all, while millions of prying eyes tuned in, anxiously waiting to see which side emerges victorious.

No, no, not which particular shade […]

OMG, Has One Half Of America's Favorite Frozen Duo Been Huntin' For Hookers Instead Of Hares?

Much like America’s most fair and balanced network, Fox News, America’s favoritest, most trustworthy newspaper, the National Enquirer is internationally renowned for its unique ability to occasionally accurately break a real, live news story (that doesn’t involve UFOs, aliens or John Edwards’ man-seed) out of every, oh, I don’t know, 100 or so, it reports.

So […]

Rush Limbaugh Goes "Ching Chang Chong" On Air To Make His Wallet Go Ka-Ching On Land!

Miraculously shrinking ball of pills, polysaturated fat, and hate, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, took a break from his usual job shrieking at pussy Democratic Congresswomen for getting shot in the head (haha dumb bitch!) by a lone, crazed Glock-toting madman to give the American people the one thing they’ve been missing all these years: […]

Sarah Palin's State Of Her Living Room Address To A Grieving Nation (Psst: Jews Eat Christian Babies!)

Everyone knows that the real victim of the recent tragedy in Arizona isn’t the innocent little 9-year-old girl who was shot dead, the young Democratic congresswoman in critical condition with a bullet lodged inside her brain, or even any of the 20 other individuals killed or wounded at the hands of a Glock-totin’ desert dwelling […]

Glenn Beck's Fake Tears & Sarah Palin's Dumb Tweets Don't Kill People (Just Brain Cells); Crazy People With Semiautomatic Weapons Do!

Usually when a young 20-something man goes on a bloody shooting rampage, killing a whole bunch of innocent people, everyone is equally shocked and stunned and horrified, and nobody ever, in a million years, saw it coming.

Not so with Jared Loughner, the deranged 22-year-old lunatic who shot Arizona’s popular Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords point blank […]

For Once Sarah Palin Actually Stands On The Right Side Of History; Like Always She Manages To Offend Us All

Retired snow bunny, current reality teevee star, and president of Twitterbook, Sarah Louise Palin, is trying her very hardest to be taken seriously as a real, electable politician! Mostly by alternating her precious time pallin’ around bein’ free with Kate Gosselin in majestic, wild Alaska and tweeting 140-character gibberish no one understands all so she […]

Barack Obama Calls Philadelphia Eagles To Congratulate Them On Michael Vick, First Dog Bo No Longer Barking To Him

Does Bo know about this?

President Barack Obama, aka Barry from the block, called up the owner of Philadelphia Eagles, Jeffrey Lurie, to thank him for giving former dog-killing star quarterback Michael Vick a second chance in the NFL, and not only because it makes Obama’s beloved Chicago Bears’ week 12 win over the Eagles actually […]

Ignorance Is Freedom! New Poll Proves Fox News Viewers Are The Dumbest, Most Uninformed People In The World, Right After Fox News' Hosts

But why do the poll numbers add up to 120%, mommy? Because junior, everyone knows 100% is for pussies, math geeks, and lame-o Democrats. Not for hot, sexy Fox News, the undisputed leader in feigned 9/11 outrage, shamelessly bad graphics, mentally unstable news anchors, and baseless lies and mistruths, proudly poisoning America since 1996!

And now […]

Scholar Sarah Palin Gives America's Lamestream Media A Wink & Very Important Lesson In Journalism

Never-ending nightmare, glorified nature guide and possible 2012 presidential candidate Sarah Palin went on the only fair and balanced network in all the lamestream media, Fox News, to tell its decidedly unbiased host Sean Hannity all the sensible reasons why she, Sarah Louise Palin, will not bother speaking to biased interviewers like Katie Couric or […]