
The Un-PC Truth About Major Hasan’s Schizo Rampage At Fort Hood

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, At Your Service

I hate to say 20/20 hindsight, but turns out there may have been some warning signs that unraveling Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Malik Hasan was hanging by a thread long before deciding to turn his simmering rage and frustration into one of the worst rampages in U.S. military history.

So […]

Obama Is A ‘Radical Leader,’ ‘Child’ Just Like Rush Is ‘Thin,’ ‘Sane’

Morbidly-obese-turned-gastric-bypass poster boy Rush Limbaugh took a break from shoveling beef patties into his mouth to show off the latest miracle of modern science, his svelte new body! And of course to say a bunch of crazy sh*t about his favorite man crush Barack Obama.

Yes, the man considered too […]

Fox News' Fave Man-Child Glenn Beck Hits The Big TIME!

Oooooh, golden-haired angel of truth Glenn Beck has landed on the cover of TIME magazine!! Do you understand what this means people? It means the true patriots of America have won! But even more importantly, it means everything the man’s ever said is totally brilliant and 100 percent true.

Sure, the feature story is titled “Mad […]

Not Even The Gecko Would Be Caught Dead On Glenn Beck’s Program

It’s hard to believe that every once in a while in this hedonist playground we call America, terrible and offensive behavior is not rewarded with book deals and talk shows, but actually brings with it certain consequences.

Like in the case of Fox News host Glenn Beck, who experienced first-hand the sort of financial penalty that […]

Blue-Eyed Aryan Angel Glenn Beck Fears The Obama Black House

Everyone knows Fox News host and brave, golden-haired messenger of truth Glenn Beck was among the first to warn America about Comrade Barry’s socialist revolution and his deviant plot to turn America into the new Soviet Union.

Luckily, America’s patriotic guardian is always on the look-out against evil freedom-haters and other ominous, presidential threats to […]

Fox News’ Surgeon General Warning: No Chubbies Allowed!

Everyone knows Fox News is a beacon of light and truth, held to the highest standards of journalistic excellence. Which is why it is up to the most “fair and balanced” news station around to cut through the bull and give the American people the real story, no matter the cost.

In what is no […]

Fox Doesn’t Just Cover The News, They Sponsor It Too!

Fox News continued proving its journalistic excellence with its trademark “fair and balanced” coverage of the wild tea party movement that’s sweeping through the nation. Or at least through the Fox News room.

There, everyone’s favorite trustworthy Fox News anchors, like Glenn Beck, Neil Cavuto, Greta Van Susteren, and Sean Hannity helped giddily celebrate “FNC’s Tax […]

Between Barack And A Hard Place

Well well what do you know? While President Obama was busy destroying America’s robust economy with his socialist policies and spendulus bills, there was one force brave enough to stand up against this liberal assault on freedom.

And we don’t mean by throwing some ridiculous Rick Santelli tea party with the rest of your Fox News […]

Fear Not America! Fox News Won’t Let Comrade Barry Turn US Into USSR

Thank God for true American heroes like Fox’s Glenn Beck.

If it wasn’t for fearless patriots like him, who would be there to alert the public about Comrade Barry’s socialist revolution and his deviant plot to turn America into the new Soviet Union?

No one.

If it wasn’t for Glenn Beck’s watchful eye, before you know […]

Dangerous? Not This Dick

Still Vice-President Dick Cheney continued to convince the public he is in fact the Antichrist, and most likely, not even human.

In an interview with Fox News (who else?), Dick Cheney was his usual happy-go-lucky self, defending his destructive war on terror, aggressive consolidation of executive power, and unprecedented gutting of the constitution with hearty laughs […]