
Side Effects May Include Nausea, Irregular Heartbeat, And Sudden Loss Of Funds

How Low Can It Go?

Yeah, it’s that bad.

With unemployment on the rise and blue-chip stocks selling for less than most bargain bin items at the local dollar store, the U.S. economy seems to be sinking faster than the Republican party.

Or “falling off a cliff” if you prefer billionaire investor Warren Buffet’s rosy assessment of the […]

Let The Clone Wars Begin!

Blinded By Science!

In keeping with his campaign promise to make scientific decisions based on fact, not faith, President Barack Obama lifted the Bush administration’s strict limits on human embryonic research.

Obama’s reversal of Bush limits on federally funded stem cell research seeks to rescue America from the scientific dark ages and reclaim its rightful position at […]

In Rush We Trust?

In his usual classy style, Mr. Sensitive Rush Limbaugh held a reasonable, informative discussion about health care reform by predicting the imminent demise of one of it’s most outspoken champions, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), who also happens to be suffering from a malignant brain tumor.On his radio show Friday, the ever brilliant Rush first blasted […]

California Supreme Court Says Knot So Fast To Same-Sex Marriage

America’s favorite colorful community of sin once again attempted to destroy the moral fabric of society by becoming equal citizens under the law. The nerve!

The pesky homosexuals, who continue to believe the Constitution applies to them, argued before the California Supreme Court on Thursday to overturn Prop 8, the Mormon church funded, voter-approved gay marriage […]

Going, Going, Gupta!

Dr. No?

Hunky TV doctor Sanjay Gupta is forgoing a chance to join Barack Obama’s administration as the new U.S. Surgeon General because working at CNN sure as hell beats some ceremonial doctor post whose most famous occupant is now relegated to doing Life Alert commercials.

Gupta’s decision to stay on as CNN’s medical correspondent is obviously […]

Between Barack And A Hard Place

Well well what do you know? While President Obama was busy destroying America’s robust economy with his socialist policies and spendulus bills, there was one force brave enough to stand up against this liberal assault on freedom.

And we don’t mean by throwing some ridiculous Rick Santelli tea party with the rest of your Fox News […]

To Russia With Love

The latest wrinkle in Comrade Barry’s plot to turn America into mother Russia revealed itself in the form of a secret letter to none other than Russian President Dmitri A. Medvedev.

Obama’s letter, hand-delivered into the heart of darkness by top administration officials three weeks ago, was actually a reply to the one sent by […]

This One’s Got Pulitzer Written All Over It!

Ca-ching! Since selling that senate seat didn’t really pan out, forgotten hairball Rod Blagojevich is finally cashing in with a new six-figure deal for his tell-all book “exposing the dark side of politics.”

Phoenix Books has agreed to pay Blago a cool $100,000 to pen his thrilling tale The Governor even though it will “reveal information […]

Michael Steele Declares War On Rush Limbaugh For Being So "Entertaining"

Rush Vs. Steele

Right-wing radio czar and de facto leader of conservative cretins everywhere, Rush Limbaugh is not someone you want to mess with.

Unfortunately, RNC Chairman Michael Steele must have missed the memo. Apparently, Mr. Steele was so busy attracting the nation’s youth with his off-the-hook self that he forgot the single most important Republican commandment, […]

GOP 2012: Back To The Future

Some Enlightened CPAC Slogans

No Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) would be complete without its annual straw poll to see which Republican candidate is the early favorite to lose 2012’s presidential race against Democratic demon child Barack Hussein Obama.

For the third straight year, the lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) CPAC poll […]