
Hot Rod Blagojevich’s (Pre) Jailhouse Rock Performance

Forgotten hairball Rod Blagojevich really wanted to go to the Costa Rican jungle to eat bugs with his lovely wife Patti on the hit short-lived reality show “I’m a Celebrity … Get me Out of Here!” but some stupid federal judge wouldn’t let him just because he tried to sell a friggin’ golden senate seat […]

Aw Snap! Hillary Lets World Know Which Clinton Wears The Pants Now

Poor old Hillary Clinton just cannot get a break. First her limelight-hogging husband Bill swoops in to rescue those two lady journalists from the bad Korea and become a world-wide hero, while Madam Secretary sat alone on the sidelines with no one but Al Gore to comfort her.

Now, Hillary travels all the way to Africa, […]

The Tsunami That Is Mark Sanford’s Life

When it rains it pours. Unless you’re Mark Sanford of course, in which case, it’s a tsunami.

It wasn’t enough to just get caught with his Argentinean mistress while he was supposed to be roughing it in the Appalachian wilderness or having his wife announce she’s leaving him shortly after their two-week European jaunt to repair […]

Sarah Palin Won’t Let Obama’s Death Squads Kill Lil’ Trigger

In her first “communication” since officially resigning as Empress of Alaska and warning the evil media to quit “makin’ things up” like the nasty rumor that America’s favorite Alaskan ice duo are going the way of Levi and Bristol, Sarah Palin took to the Internets to rail against President (?) Obama’s Nazi-esque health care reform […]

Jenny Sanford Is So Outta Here!

Jenny, Jenny, Who Can He Turn To?

Long-suffering Stepford wife Jenny Sanford has finally said good riddance to her no-good, two-timing, scoundrel of a governor husband, Mark Sanford, announcing she is moving the hell out of the Governor’s Mansion and taking her four sons to Charleston. For real!

Jenny’s surprise “F You” to hubby Mark comes upon […]

Disgruntled Conservatives Turn Their Teabaggin’ Wrath To ObamaCare

The Republicans are not happy with that ambitious Obama or his un-American plan to turn the nation’s health care system into a government sanctioned holocaust of the old and unborn. In fact, they are steaming mad! So mad that they are willing to do anything, anything, to stop Comrade Barry’s deviant quest to socialize medicine […]

When Will The Chosen One Choose The Gays?

After eight loooong years of George W. Bush, those insatiable gays were finally ready for a president who doesn’t believe Hurricane Katrina was God’s way of showing his disapproval of their sinful lifestyle.

So when Barack Obama actually defeated that nice old man from Arizona to become America’s first half-black president in history and the […]

Hero Bill Clinton Frees Ladies From Pint-Sized Dungeon Master

Mission Accomplished!

Bill Clinton saves journalism! Okay, well not exactly, but he did save those two American journalists, Euna Lee and Laura Ling, from 12 years of HARD LABOR in some crazy North Korean prison camp.

In a hush-hush, secret mission to secure the journalists’ release, America sent its best schmoozer William Jefferson Clinton to sweet-talk Kim […]

Barack Obama Celebrates His "Birthday"

Happy Birthday Barry, that is if you were even born and not immaculately conceived in the town of Bethlehem some two thousand years ago.

If it is indeed true that Barack Hussein Obama was actually birthed from the womb of his white Kansas mother as he claims and not hatched from a primordial egg in outer […]

John McCain Says No Me Puedo To Sotomayor

Remember that old man with the sassy daughter and hot RICH wife whose biggest accomplishment other than getting beat to smithereens in a Hanoi prison cell was to unleash Sarah Palin upon an unsuspecting world?

Well now John McCain can add another notch to his already impressive resume: opposing the first Hispanic Supreme Court nominee in […]